Quickly Setting up MongoDB ( Windows ) 14 Jun 2019
MongoDB is a very actively used No-SQL database. An advantage of using this is the extensive community that is using it which helps one resolve issues quickly
We will be installing MongoDB Community Edition on a Windows machine. The steps are similar for a Linux installation as well
Downloading the installer
Step 1
Go to the link https://www.mongodb.com/download-center/community?jmp=docs and click on the download link
Step 2
Once the installation is complete, make the following directory C:\data\db
Step 3
Traverse to the following path C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin
Step 4
Run the following command mongod
We will see a screen that looks something like this
Step 5
Run the following command mongo
We will see a command prompt from where we can run all the mongo DB commands
You are now ready to use MongoDB on your system. You can reference several tutorials on the various commands used in the mongo CLI